The book is divided into three main parts: Prepare, Publish and Promote, with commentary and information on each part of the self publishing journey.
As I read through it I was challenged to think bigger about publishing. Yes self-publishing is easier than ever before, but quality stands out and there are always ways and means to improve your product - it's easy to delude yourself that you know it all or that you know best, and the content of this book is a good reminder that there are communities and companies out there who can help you refine your work in many different ways.
As well as contacts for practical things like proof reading, illustrating and translating there are also lists of books to read on different aspects, blogs to follow, conferences to attend and competitions and funding to apply for.
I will definitely be following up some of the direction included in the book - not all immediately, as some aspects/sectors are just helpful to file away for future reference.
If I have one slight gripe it might be that many of the contacts and organisations are biased towards North America, however this is not exclusively the case and is understandable since the authors are themselves based there. I do also wonder what the shelf-life is for some of the links and information contained within?
However, on the whole it's an excellent resource with plenty of guidance for authors at any stage in their career.
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